How to choose contract automation software

To evolve, businesses need to envision better visibility, performance, productivity, profitability, scalability, and client satisfaction. These benefits can be achieved through a proper CLM system that fits your expectations. Looking for a contract automation software? Let’s do it together. Key elements to choose a contract automation software Since there are many options available, choosing a […]

Manual contract management vs automated CLM software

A CLM software solution to solve your problems

Now that automation of contract lifecycle management has become more accessible and customizable, companies can leave behind their old ways. Since this process can be quite slow, there is a greater need for more efficient solutions. That’s why we will compare manual procedures vs a CLM software.  A CLM software solution to solve your problems […]

5 Reasons to automate legal contracting

Automate legal contracting

When it comes to the digital transformation of your company, finding ways to automate legal contracting is one of the most effective options due to the different ways in which this tool improves productivity in your teams. For this reason, the number of companies that decide to implement the automation of their contract lifecycle increases […]

What does CLM mean to In-House Counsel

CLM in legal means Contract lifecycle management which is a methodology to optimize contracting activity, saving costs, and time.   Digitalization has become an essential step for growth in all industries, for instance, applying CLM in-house legal counsel is now a key element to mitigate risks while improving productivity and efficiency. The automation of contract processes […]